Studium Generale | Debate Café

22Jan 2024  20:00- 21:30

Studium Generale | Debate Café

Environmental and Health Impact of Polluting Industries in Border Regions

More and more often, we read about the influence of industries on the environment and health. People who live in the immediate vicinity of factories often notice it immediately, but it can often take a very long time before other people and the government become aware of the impact of pollution and nuisance. In the Netherlands, for example, we had cases in recent years involving Tata Steel in IJmuiden and Chemours in Dordrecht, where the pollution was allowed to continue for years and the possible measures were taken too late (if at all).

Students from the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) have been researching the impact on our health and environment of the cement production of the Heidelberg Cement Group (CBR) just across the border in Lixhe. They will present their results and discuss them with a panel. How can we measure the pollution and impact, what can we conclude and how can we take measures to improve our own health and that of our environment across borders?

Prof. Maria Jansen
Endowed Professor of population focused health policy, UM
Bernard Vrijens
Board member Goed leven in de Jekervallei, Eben-Emael
Prof. Michael Faure
Academic Director Maastricht European institute for Transnational Legal Research (METRO) and professor of comparative and international environmental law, UM
Jules Kerckhoffs, PhD
Junior Assistant Professor at the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences, Utrecht University, with expertise in environmental epidemiology and a focus on the impact of air pollutants on health and exposure assessments for impacted populations. 
Coen van der Gugten
GroenLinks council member for the city of Maastricht, and former head of the citizens coalition ENCIStop that fronted the transformation and transition of the ENCI quarry in Maastricht into nature reserve.